Produse pentru bandă de retenție elastică (31)

Siegling Extremultus, curea plată, benzi elastice - Siegling Extremultus, curea plată, benzi elastice

Siegling Extremultus, curea plată, benzi elastice - Siegling Extremultus, curea plată, benzi elastice

Les bandes alimentaires élastiques Siegling Extremultus sont spécialement conçues pour les applications de l'industrie agroalimentaire.La couche de traction se compose de polyuréthane élastique et par conséquent, elle est parfaitement non pelucheuse. Les bandes alimentaires élastiques Siegling Extremultus sont : - aptes au contact avec les aliments ; conformes aux directives FDA et UE - disponibles en bleu ou en blanc pour optimiser l'assurance qualité (contraste avec les produits alimentaires) - élastiques et donc parfaitement appropriées pour les entraxes courts, les balances sur bande et en tant que bandes d'écartement - faciles à nettoyer - résistantes aux produits chimiques - disponibles avec revêtement High Grip Les bandes alimentaires élastiques Siegling Extremultus tiennent également compte des principes HACCP.
Cravată de Siguranță, Țesut din Poliester, cu Bandă Elastică... - Personalizat

Cravată de Siguranță, Țesut din Poliester, cu Bandă Elastică... - Personalizat

nach Kundenwunsch Jacquard-gewebt, zzgl. Webkarte individuell:100% Polyester individuell:Ursprungsland: Volksrepublik China
Articole pentru Măști de Turnare

Articole pentru Măști de Turnare

Mit modernsten Maschinen produzieren wir im Bereich PU-Gießtechnik qualitativ hochwertige Formteile. Durch die Variation der Rohstoffe, Rezepturen und Fertigungsverfahren lassen sich die Eigenschaften gezielt beeinflussen. Daher können wir schwierige Geometrien und auch größerer Bauteile mit den hervorragenden Eigenschaften eines Polyurethans fertigen. Bei der Gießtechnologie können mit einfachen Formen, kleine und auch große Stückzahlen kostengünstig abbildet werden. Eine feste Verbindung mit anderen Werkstoffen (Stahl, Aluminium, Gusseisenmetalle, etc.) ist ebenfalls möglich.
Benzile Elastice

Benzile Elastice

Um unseren Kunden noch öfter weiterhelfen zu können, umfasst unser Sortiment neben Gummikabeln auch flexible Bänder. Hierbei handelt es sich um gewebte textile Bänder, die unter Einsatz von Gummifäden und einer speziellen Fertigungstechnik dehnbar sind. Unsere Gummibänder sind in Breiten von 3,0 mm – 70,0 mm verfügbar. Unsere unnachgiebigen Bänder Für unnachgiebige Fälle führen wir ebenso nicht flexible Gurtbänder. Hierbei handelt sich um die klassischen Gurtbänder, die zum Beispiel in Spanngurten Verwendung finden. Diese sind ebenfalls in Breiten von 3,0 mm – 70,0 mm verfügbar. Viele gängige Farben halten wir lagermäßig vor. Bei Interesse schreiben Sie gerne eine Email oder sprechen Sie uns aufs Band.
Bobine Backlack

Bobine Backlack

Backlackspulen werden ohne Spulenkörper hergestellt, so dass eine Optimierung des zur Verfügung stehenden Wickelraumes möglich ist.
CUREA DE MUNCĂ pentru industria auto bandă textilă elastică/neelastică

CUREA DE MUNCĂ pentru industria auto bandă textilă elastică/neelastică

Bandgürtel bis 150 cm Länge für Arbeitshosen Schließe bedruckbar, längenverstellbar, Gesamtlänge 90 - 130 cm, Überlängen lieferbar
BANDA DE FIXARE - bandă tricotată wila cu margine fermă, parțial elastică

BANDA DE FIXARE - bandă tricotată wila cu margine fermă, parțial elastică

Handelsformen: Breite: 4, 6, 8cm Länge: 3,5 und 20m gedehnt Breite: 10, 12cm Länge: 4 und 20m gedehnt Farben: weiß Indikationen: • Einsatz als Fixierverband Handelsformen: Breite: 4, 6, 8cm Länge: 3,5 und 20m gedehnt Breite: 10, 12cm Länge: 4 und 20m gedehnt Farben: weiß
Cravată din satin legată dinainte 51x7cm cu bandă elastică - siguranță antracit

Cravată din satin legată dinainte 51x7cm cu bandă elastică - siguranță antracit

Elastic band tie - Pre-tied satin finish - 51 x 7 cm - anthracite safety tie. - This elegant 51 cm tie has an elastic band underneath the collar. Its use of high-quality, soft polyester with a satin finish ensures it's comfortable, durable, and easy to care for. You can personalize it with your logo for a business look. The knot is pre-tied and adjustable, eliminating the need to tie it yourself. Pocket squares can be found in our B2B store along with more options. Our ties, great for gifting, are attractively packaged and made in-house, giving you great value. For over 50 tie orders, contact us for personalization and simply provide your Pantone color and logo. Reference:9L-42U9-Y5YR Material:Microfiber Color:Grey
Bandă de Fitness/Bandă de Gimnastică, personalizată - vegană și neutră din punct de vedere climatic (Bandă de Antrenament, Bandă din Latex, elastică)

Bandă de Fitness/Bandă de Gimnastică, personalizată - vegană și neutră din punct de vedere climatic (Bandă de Antrenament, Bandă din Latex, elastică)

Dieses „Fitnessstudio im Taschenformat“ ist ein idealer Träger Ihrer Werbebotschaft. Klein, leicht, mailingfähig, handlich, überall einsetzbar und dabei absolut preiswert. Höchste Therapie-Qualität!
Benzile Elastice

Benzile Elastice

Elastische Bänder, mit Aufdruck oder gestickt in vielen Verschiedenen Farben.
Benzile de palet din cauciuc / Bandă elastică roșie; Circumferință 2400 mm

Benzile de palet din cauciuc / Bandă elastică roșie; Circumferință 2400 mm

Eine optimale Palettensicherung wird durch das H+D Dehnband garantiert. Artikelnummer: 353724.440 Umfang: 2400 mm
Bandă Elastică din Țesătură, 6 x 80 cm

Bandă Elastică din Țesătură, 6 x 80 cm

Elastik-Gewebeband zur Elektrodenfixierung Länge x Breite in cm: 80 x 6 Mit Klettverschluss
Geantă pentru Documente din Fleece - Geantă pentru Documente din Fleece, roșie, cu bandă elastică

Geantă pentru Documente din Fleece - Geantă pentru Documente din Fleece, roșie, cu bandă elastică

Filz-Taschen sind vielseitig verwendbar und liegen voll im Trend. Als Laptop-, Akten-,Trage- oder Kosmetiktasche. In Farbe, Form und Größe individuell nach Kundenwunsch gestaltbar. Verschiedene Verschlussarten stehen zur Auswahl. Lieferbar als Polyester- oder Wollfilz. Eine Werbeanbringung in Form eines Aufdrucks auf bis zu 2 Seiten oder als Bestickung ist möglich. Mindestmenge: ab 300 Stück Verfahren:1-farbig bedruckt auf einer Seite Größe:415 x 265 mm Farbe:Farbe 39 Materialstärke:Polyesterfilz 3mm Verschluss:mit Gummiband
Bandă - Bandă MB1000

Bandă - Bandă MB1000

MB1000 Tape ist flexibles Band aus einem mikroporösen Dämmstoff mit extrem niedrigen Wärmeleitzahlen, und dadurch mit einem sehr guten Isolationsvermögen. Diese Bänder sind biegsam für Durchmesser ab 50 mm und mehr. Dieser Wärmedämmstoff besteht ausschließlich aus anorganischen, oxydischen Substanzen. Das Material ist gegenüber Luftfeuchtigkeit (Wasserdampf) diffusionsstabil. MB1000 Tape reagiert gegen alle benetzenden Flüssigkeiten wie Wasser, Öl, Benzin usw. empfindlich, da durch diese Flüssigkeiten die Porenstruktur zerstört wird. MB1000 Tape ist unbegrenzt lagerfähig
BORNIT® Bandă Triangulară - Bitum | Zonă de Acoperiș | Zonă de Fundație | Fillet | Elastică Permanent

BORNIT® Bandă Triangulară - Bitum | Zonă de Acoperiș | Zonă de Fundație | Fillet | Elastică Permanent

BORNIT®-Dreiecksband ist geeignet für die schnelle und sichere Ausbildung von Kehlnähten im Anschlussbereich zwischen rechtwinklig zueinander stehenden Bauteilen (z.B. zwischen Bodenplatte und aufsteigender Wand vor der Verarbeitung von Schweiß- und Kaltselbstklebebahnen sowie PMBC) und zur Abdichtung von Randfugen und Unebenheiten zwischen Fertigbetonelementen. Grundierung mit BORNIT®-Bitugrund, BORNIT®-Grundbit bzw. BORNIT®-Fundamentgrund empfehlenswert. BORNIT®-Dreiecksband ist ein anschmelzbares und hochflexibles Elastomerbitumenband zur sicheren und einfachen Fugenabdichtung und Kehlausbildung im Hoch- und Tiefbau. BORNIT®-Dreiecksband ist elastisch, alterungsbeständig und leicht zu verarbeiten. Durch die Verwendung von BORNIT®-Dreiecksband entstehen keine Wartezeiten (Trockenzeiten) zwischen Kehlausbildung und Abdichtung, da sich sofort nach Erkalten eine wasserdicht verschweißte Verbindung mit dem Untergrund ergibt.
Bandă de Cap Ciupercă

Bandă de Cap Ciupercă

Fixierband mit extrem hohen Haft- und Scherkräften. Auch in verschiedenen selbstklebenden Ausführungen erhältlich. Breiten, mm: 16, 20, 25, 30, 38, 50, 100, 150
Bandă Elastică Standard / Albă - Potrivită pentru Mașina de Legat ATTALINK - Alternativa Economică la Original

Bandă Elastică Standard / Albă - Potrivită pentru Mașina de Legat ATTALINK - Alternativa Economică la Original

Gummifaden mit Bauwolle (rohweiß) umsponnen. Spulenabmessung: Ø ~ 5 cm. Länge ~ 11 cm. Diese Spulen werden von uns ausschließlich für die Verarbeitung in ATTALINK-Bindezangen/ Vigouroux SARL, FR-Lauzerte produziert. Hersteller: Erich Baumeister GmbH Verpackung: 1,8 kg per Karton mit 20 Spulen 18 kg per Umkarton mit 10 Kartons 288 kg per Palette mit 16 Umkartons Der Preis bezieht sich auf 1 kg (= 11 Spulen)
Spume poliuretanice monocomponente CeraPUR® - Etanșant 1k

Spume poliuretanice monocomponente CeraPUR® - Etanșant 1k

CeraPUR® Materialien sind lösungsmittelfreie und sehr schnell vernetzende Einkomponenten-Elastomere. Mit ihrer überwiegend geschlossenzelligen Schaumstruktur erzielen sie extreme Dichtigkeit. Aktuell sind folgende Produktvarianten verfügbar: CeraPUR® F15-60b CeraPUR® F15-60w CeraPUR® F19-53b
Fundă de cadou imprimată

Fundă de cadou imprimată

Qui puoi dare libero sfogo alla tua creatività. Per design propri con un’ampia gamma di colori o di piccoli dettagli, la scelta perfetta sono le etichette e i nastri continui stampati Satinera. Puoi persino caricare una foto. Pregiate etichette di cura, nastro regalo per occasioni speciali o nastro decorativo da cucire: Satinera è elegante e conferisce alle tue creazioni un aspetto brillante. I nostri prodotti Satinera colpiscono per la qualità e soddisfano i requisiti più elevati. Sono realizzati in pregiato nastro di satin di poliestere e sono resistenti alla luce e all’abrasione, lavabili fino a 60°C e di lunga durata. Paese di origine:Germania
Siegling Extremultus, Curele Plate, Benzi Alimentare Elastice

Siegling Extremultus, Curele Plate, Benzi Alimentare Elastice

Flachriemen optimieren in vielen Ausführungen Antriebs- und Transportprozesse - Siegling Extremultus Elastische Food Bänder sind speziell für Anwendungen in der Lebensmittelindustrie konstruiert.Der Zugträger besteht aus elastischem Polyurethan und ist daher zu 100 % flusenfrei. Siegling Extremultus Elastische Food Bänder sind: - lebensmitteltauglich; FDA- und EU konform - in blauer oder weißer Farbe erhältlich, um die Qualitätssicherung zu optimieren (Kontrast zu Lebensmitteln) - elastisch und daher hervorragend für kurze Achsabstände, Bandwaagen und als Spreizbänder geeignet - leicht zu reinigen - chemisch beständig - mit High Grip Beschichtung lieferbar Ausgewählte Siegling Extremultus Elastische Food Bänder unterstützen zudem das HACCP Konzept.
Articole pentru matrițe de turnare

Articole pentru matrițe de turnare

We use state-of-the-art machines to produce high-quality molded parts in the area of PU casting technology. By varying the raw materials, formulations and manufacturing processes, the properties can be specifically influenced. Therefore, we can produce difficult geometries and also larger components with the excellent properties of a polyurethane. In casting technology, small and large quantities can be produced cost-effectively using simple molds. Firm bonding with other materials (steel, aluminum, cast iron metals, etc.) is also possible.
Cravată cu bandă elastică - cravată de siguranță din satin - 51 x 7 cm - gri

Cravată cu bandă elastică - cravată de siguranță din satin - 51 x 7 cm - gri

"Safety tie with elastic band, pre-tied, satin finish, 51x7cm, gray" - This elegant tie with an elastic band offers comfort and practical handling thanks to an adjustable strap fastening. No need to tie a knot, ensuring a perfect fit at all times. Length is approximately 51 cm including the knot, width is approximately 7 cm. Made of 100% soft, flowing polyester with a satin finish. Available in a solid color option. Highest quality microfiber material for durability and ease of care. Simply elegant for business outfits, customizable with a logo. Can be combined with a pocket square from our B2B store. Ideal as a gift with appealing packaging. Directly from the manufacturer for unbeatable price-performance ratio. Custom production available for orders above 50 ties, with personalized colors and logos. Reference:33-0YPU-TVEM-1 Material:Microfiber Color:Grey
Cravate de siguranță din satin albastru, 51x7cm, legate dinainte cu elastic - Cravate de siguranță legate dinainte cu finisaj din satin, 51x7cm, albastre cu bandă elastică.

Cravate de siguranță din satin albastru, 51x7cm, legate dinainte cu elastic - Cravate de siguranță legate dinainte cu finisaj din satin, 51x7cm, albastre cu bandă elastică.

This comfortable, practical tie features an elastic strap for hassle-free use. It's 51 cm long, 7 cm wide, and is made from 100% soft polyester with a satin finish, available in one color. Made from top-quality microfiber, it's durable, easy to maintain, and perfect for business wear. It can be personalized with a logo, coordinated with a pocket square (available in our store), and comes gift-packaged. As we're the manufacturers, we offer a unbeatable value. For orders over 50, we offer custom colors and logo personalization. Reference:BS-2E8F-PZOB Material:Microfiber Color:Blue
Cravată de Siguranță Albastră - Elastică, Pre-legată, Satin, 51x7cm - Cravată de Siguranță Albastră - Bandă Elastică, Pre-legată, Finisaj Satinat, 51x7cm.

Cravată de Siguranță Albastră - Elastică, Pre-legată, Satin, 51x7cm - Cravată de Siguranță Albastră - Bandă Elastică, Pre-legată, Finisaj Satinat, 51x7cm.

This customizable tie features an adjustable elastic fixture, guaranteeing comfort and ease with a pre-tied knot. With a size of 51 cm length including knot, and about 7 cm width, it's made from 100% polyester and satin-finished. Constructed from superior microfiber, it's durable, easy to maintain, and soft for comfortable wear. The classy design is perfect for business attire and can be personalized with your logo for a unique touch. It pairs well with pocket squares from our B2B store, presented in appealing gift packaging. Manufactured by us, it offers excellent value. For orders over 50, contact us for bespoke production, including Pantone color choice and logo imprint. This tie can be tailored to your needs. Reference:I9-LVLE-60WR Material:Microfiber Color:Blue
Cravată cu bandă elastică - Cravată de siguranță din satin - 51 x 7 cm gri - Cravată de siguranță cu bandă elastică - prelegată, finisaj satinat, 51x7cm, gri.

Cravată cu bandă elastică - Cravată de siguranță din satin - 51 x 7 cm gri - Cravată de siguranță cu bandă elastică - prelegată, finisaj satinat, 51x7cm, gri.

This elegant tie offers comfort and practical handling with an adjustable elastic band. The pre-tied knot ensures a perfect fit without tying. Length is approximately 51 cm, width about 7 cm. Made of 100% soft flowing polyester with a satin finish, available in solid colors. High-quality microfiber makes it sturdy and easy to care for. Durable and comfortable to wear. Use for business attire and personalize with logo. Combine with pocket square from our B2B store for perfect look. Gift packaging available, ideal as gifts for employees or customers. Buy directly from manufacturer for unbeatable price-performance ratio. Contact us for custom production of more than 50 ties. Provide Pantone color and logo or use configurator for your own design. Personalize to suit preferences. Reference:33-0YPU-TVEM Material:Microfiber Color:Grey
Bandă de Fitness/Bandă de Gimnastică, galbenă/medie - vegană și neutră din punct de vedere climatic (Bandă de Antrenament, Bandă din Latex, elastică)

Bandă de Fitness/Bandă de Gimnastică, galbenă/medie - vegană și neutră din punct de vedere climatic (Bandă de Antrenament, Bandă din Latex, elastică)

Dieses „Fitnessstudio im Taschenformat“ ist ein idealer Träger Ihrer Werbebotschaft. Klein, leicht, mailingfähig, handlich, überall einsetzbar und dabei absolut preiswert. Absolute Therapie-Qualität!
Cravată cu bandă elastică - Cravată de siguranță - albă - Cravate albe prelegatate din satin (51x7cm) cu bandă elastică de siguranță.

Cravată cu bandă elastică - Cravată de siguranță - albă - Cravate albe prelegatate din satin (51x7cm) cu bandă elastică de siguranță.

This tie offers comfort and practical handling with its adjustable attachment under the collar. No need to tie it as the knot is securely tied for a perfect fit. The length is 51 cm with the knot and the width is 7 cm. Made of soft polyester with a satin finish. Available in solid colors. Made of high-quality microfiber, this security tie is durable and easy to care for. It is also comfortable to wear. Use this tie for your business outfit and customize it with your logo. The securely tied and adjustable knot ensures a perfect look without the hassle. Pair it with a pocket square from our B2B store. Check out our corporate B2B shop for more options. Comes in gift packaging, making it a great gift for employees or customers. Buy directly from the factory for the best value for money. Contact us for custom production if you need more than 50 security ties. Provide your Pantone and logo, or use our configurator for customization. Personalization option available. Reference:3E-JW83-4CBR Material:Microfiber Color:White
Cravată din satin cu dungi albastre și gri, legată dinainte cu bandă elastică - 51x7cm

Cravată din satin cu dungi albastre și gri, legată dinainte cu bandă elastică - 51x7cm

Elastic band tie - safe, pre-tied in satin - 51x7cm - blue gray striped - This elegant tie features an adjustable elastic band for comfort and practicality. It has a fixed knot and measures approximately 51 cm long and 7 cm wide. The tie is made of soft flowing polyester with a satin finish, available in a solid color. Our security tie is made of high-quality microfiber, durable, easy to care for, and comfortable to wear. It is the perfect addition to a business outfit and can be personalized with your logo. Pair this tie with a pocket square from our B2B store to complete your look. Our security ties come in attractive gift packaging, making them an ideal gift for employees or customers. We manufacture the ties ourselves, ensuring an unbeatable price-performance ratio. For orders of more than 50 security ties, we can initiate individual production. Just provide us with your Pantone color and logo, or use our configurator to create your own design. Personalization options are available. Reference:79-0RR8-5WNG Material:Microfiber Color:Blue, Grey
Cravată de Siguranță din Bandă Elastică Albastră - Pre-legată, 51x7cm, Satinat - Cravată de siguranță din bandă elastică - Pre-legată, finisaj satinat - 51x7cm - Albastru

Cravată de Siguranță din Bandă Elastică Albastră - Pre-legată, 51x7cm, Satinat - Cravată de siguranță din bandă elastică - Pre-legată, finisaj satinat - 51x7cm - Albastru

This stylish tie features an adjustable elastic band for comfort and easy use, ensuring a perfect fit without tieing. With a length of around 51 cm (including the knot) and a width of 7 cm, it's made from 100% soft, flowing polyester with a premium satin finish and is available in a single color. The tie is crafted to be strong, easy to maintain, and long-lasting thanks to high-quality microfiber. Further personalize it with your logo for an ideal business attire. The pre-tied, adjustable knot guarantees a flawless look. Complement the tie with a matching pocket square from our Business-to-Business (B2B) shop. Presented in appealing gift packaging, this tie is perfect for gifting employees or customers. Purchase directly from the manufacturer for an excellent value. For orders above 50 safety ties, contact us for bespoke production. Provide your Pantone color and logo or use our configurator. This tie is fully customizable to suit your requirements. Reference:B071XRQ71P Material:Microfiber Color:Blue
Cravate de siguranță din satin roșu, legate dinainte, 51x7cm, cu bandă elastică - Cravate de siguranță din satin roșu, legate dinainte, 51x7cm, cu bandă elastică.

Cravate de siguranță din satin roșu, legate dinainte, 51x7cm, cu bandă elastică - Cravate de siguranță din satin roșu, legate dinainte, 51x7cm, cu bandă elastică.

It comes with an adjustable elastic band for comfort and easy handling, eliminating the hassle of tying a tie. Measuring approximately 51 cm in length and 7 cm in width, it is made of 100% soft polyester with a satin finish. It is available in a solid color option. Made from high-quality microfiber, this durable safety tie with an elastic band is easy to care for. It offers a comfortable wearing experience, making it perfect for business outfits. You can customize it with your logo for a personalized touch. Complete the look by pairing this tie with a pocket square, available in our B2B store. We also offer gift packaging, making these ties suitable as gifts for employees or customers. As the manufacturer, we offer an unbeatable price-performance ratio on our elastic ties. For orders of more than 50 safety ties, we can start individual production for you. Simply contact us with your Pantone color and logo specifications. This tie can be personalized to meet your specific needs. Reference:HO-OBBE-IDUB Material:Microfiber Color:Red